Path corresponds to the files in the link, and of course, files is under the path honjane/ directory 3. Name corresponds to the files_path in the link Take an example: the uri link obtained through providerĬontent:///files_path/files/b7d4b092822da.pdf Master Royale allows you to play a modded version of Clash Royale where you can enjoy this great. add FileProvider registration in mainfest įiles-path represents the root directory: Context.getFilesDir()Įxternal-path represents the root directory: Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()Ĭache-path represents the root directory: getCacheDir() 8/10 (1840 votes) - Download Master Royale Android Free. The easiest way to do this is to use the FileProvider class. According to the requirements of Android N, if you want to share files between applications, you should send a content://URI and grant URI temporary access permissions. Android.os.FileUriExposedException file:///storage/emulated/0/xxx Reason:Īndroid N takes back permissions to access files.